Chinese Orchestra Concert ’20th Melodious Rhapsodies’

June 6th, 2016

The year 2016 marks the 20th year of HengEe High School’s Chinese Orchestra since it is establishment in 1996. In accordance to such an event, this year’s concert, themed 20th Melodious Rhapsodies, was held on a grand scale.
2016年是恒毅国民型中学华乐团自1996年成立以来第二十届华乐演奏会。因此,今年华乐演奏会的标题是《廿载 . 聚乐》。

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The first song presented was a ferocious song titled The Legend of Genghis Khan. This percussion ensemble depicts the conquest of the Mongol general, Temujin using a steady rhythm and fierce roars of dominance. Next, the bloodthirsty atmosphere turned tranquil as the audience was brought to the depths of tropics by the second song, The Equatorial Forest. The lute members of the Chinese orchestra carefully drew a peaceful scene in the forests of the Equator using their instruments.
第一首演奏曲目是《蒙古苍狼 . 成吉思汗》,这首曲子由敲击组组员亲自编写,费了不少心思。这是一首以成吉思汗为主的乐曲,这首乐曲描述了一位蒙古勇士成为大元帝国的经过。接着,是由中阮组员演奏的中阮齐奏——《赤道雨林》。赤道是南北纬线的起点(即零度纬线),也是地球上最长的纬线。近赤道线的区域都带有热­带雨林,这里没有四季及台风,阳光充足且猛烈,因為天氣長期溫熱,雨量高,所以植物能­持續生長,造成樹木生長密集且長綠,成为陆地上物种最丰富的生态系统。



The third song to be presented was a string and percussion ensemble titled The Season of Blooming Flowers. This song symbolizes the composer’s vision for the new generation utilizing the essence of the strings. This song was followed by a plucked string ensemble themed The Mystery of Shambhala. Described as ‘Nirvana’ in the Buddhist scriptures, this song consist of touching rhythms and a euphonious melody, carefully showing the image of Shambhala as imagined by the composer.

之后,便是由拉弦组组员和敲击组组员热情演奏的拉弦乐——《花季》 。这首曲子在他们充满感情的演奏下,完美画上句点。花季》抒发少年对事业、理想、友情、亲情的向往与追求,刻画青春的活力与萌动,朦胧的纯情与困惑。民族风格浓郁,亲切感人,对少年寄予很大的希望,是一首具有深厚中华人文传统的、人性化的管弦乐曲。紧接着的是《寻梦香巴拉》,在弹弦组组员的演奏下,观众们似乎看到了最优美,淳朴的民族歌舞,而这些是人们最向往的天堂。乐曲充满激情的旋律和动感的节奏,表现了作者对神秘“香巴拉”的大胆想象。


The next song was an excerpt from the Yellow River Cantata, performed by the wind and percussion ensemble. This song meticulously portrays the Han tribe’s love for the Yellow River using majestic percussions and clear melody form the woodwind section. After the 15 minute interval, the concert was continued on with a performance from the junior section with the song entitled Young Once Upon a Time. Each musical phrase basically represents the essence of masculinity, thus leaving the audience brimming with excitement.



This was soon followed by three big orchestral pieces. The first piece is titled The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Composed of five parts, the prelude, allegro, moderato, adagio and allegro, this musical piece portray the image seen by the composer at the Northern Temple while listening the waves and the wind. Next is a orchestral piece titled The Feelings of Western Hunan. This song utilizes the essence of the Hunan tribe’s folk tunes to describe the local dancing styles, while portraying the merry nature of the Hunan people.




The last song that concluded that night’s concert is the Yangge Symphony, which was also the musical piece that won the Gold with Honors award last year.  Each phrase in the symphony tells a vivid story of the every tribe in China gathering together and dancing festively. This song also portrays the view of life by the Chinese, thus enabling them to perform a touching Yangge Dance.Since the audience demanded an encore, the chinese orchestra members performed a tune titled The Birthday Celebration to commemorate the orchestra’s 20th year of establishment. This was done in conjunction with a cake cutting ceremony. The 20th Melodious Rhapsodies of 2016 ended under the thunderous applause from the audience.


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